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Madagascar Pictures: Tombs

Memorial tomb atop mountain in Isalo
Zafimaniry memorial tombs
Zafimaniry children in Ifasina near memorial tombs
Tombs in Isalo
Nosy Mangabe coffins
Betsileo memorial stones Ranomafana National Park
sakalava tombs on Manambolo
sakalava tombs on Manambolo
sakalava tombs on Manambolo
Antandroy totems at sunset
Antandroy totems at Berenty
Antandroy memorial totems at sunset
Antandroy ceremonial totems at sunset
Antandroy ceremonial totems at Berenty
Sakalave totem
Sakalava carvings depicting fady
Sakalava carvings depicting fady sexual positions
Sakalava erotic wood carvings
Sakalava erotic carvings
Sakalava erotic totems
Sakalava phallic totems
Sakalava totems depicting fady sexual positions
Sakalava totems depicting erotica

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All images are the property of Rhett Butler, content copyright 2004-2005.
All rights reserved.