 Chameleons of Madagascar - 12-month calendar
 Herps of Madagascar - 12-month calendar
 Lemurs of Madagascar - 12-month calendar
 Madagascar - 18-month calendar
 Madagascar Calendar - 12-month calendar
 Madagascar Calendar II - 12 months by mongabay
 Wildlife of Madagascar - 12-month calendar
Budget Calendars
 Giant moth
 Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)
 Stick insect
 Hairy Lithinus weevil (Curculionidae)
 Neon-colored wing of the Malagasy sunset moth
 Jumping spider
 Leaf-mimicking treehopper
 Blue-eyed fly
 Stick insects mating
 Juvenile insect, not the giraffe-neck weevil
 Jumping spider
 Leaf-mimicking katydid
 Giant Milkweek Locust
 Green praying mantis
 Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]
 Brown, white, and orange moth
 Unknown caterpillar
 Translucent spider with turquoise, green, and yellow parts
 Greenish Bembix wasp (Crabronidae family)
 Aquatic nepa insect (Kirindy)
 Large gray stick insect (Ft. Dauphin)
 Red-eyed fly in Madagascar
 Dark red millipede with magenta legs
 Hairy black caterpillars
 Giant cockroach in Madagascar
 Beige dragonfly
 Hermit crab
 Yellow and pink caterpillar
 Black millipede
 Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage
 Crab spider
 Flatid leaf bugs (nymph form)
 Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage
 Gaudy locust
 Spittle bug
 Red millipede
 Orb spider
 Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle
 Shield bug
 Red millipede with red legs
 red millipede with yellow legs
 Green-blue swallow-tail butterfly
 Spotted moth
 Katydid with turquoise stripes
 Yellow and blue weevil
 Multi-colored shield bug
 Black moth with a pair of orange spots and transparent patches on its wings
 Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper
 Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage
 Multi-colored bug
 Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper
 Yellow wasps
 Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back
 Spotted moth
 Black millipede (Nosy Mangabe)
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