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Photos of tsingy in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Tsingy vegetation

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind while perched upon limestone tsingy

Limestone tsingy

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind while perched on sharp limestone tsingy

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind

Tsingy vegetation

Limestone tsingy

Lac Vert ('Green Lake') in Ankarana

Side view of tsingy

Tsingy in Madagascar

Limestone karst in Madagascar

Limestone karst in Madagascar

Tsingy from a distance at sunset

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind while perched upon limestone tsingy

Tsingy near Lac Vert

Tsingy vegetation


Limestone tsingy

Ankarana Tsingy landscape (Ankarana)

Tsingy bridge

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind while perched on sharp limestone tsingy

Sharp tsingy pinnacles

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Limestone tsingy (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Tsingy vegetation

Tsingy bridge

Tsingy in Madagascar

Tsingy near Lac Vert


Sharp limestone tsingy

petite tsingy forest (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Tsingy bridge

Limestone tsingy (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Limestone tsingy

Tsingy bridge

Trail at the tsingy (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Tsingy in Ankarana

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Limestone karst in Madagascar


Limestone karst in Madagascar

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Tsingy in Madagascar

Flowering plants

Fish-eye view of the tsingy

petite tsingy pond (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Stone forest

Lac Vert ('Green Lake') in Ankarana

Limestone karst in Madagascar

Tsingy bridge

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Tsingy of Ankarana as seen from the western side

Tsingy vegetation

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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