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Photos of manambolo canyon in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Pools of Oly canyon (Manambolo)

Manambolo River canyon (Manambolo)

Red Bug (immature nymph, which lacks full wings)

Merops superciliosus (Manambolo)

Brown lemurs in Manambolo canyon (Manambolo)

Sunset at Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Waterfall on Oly creek (Manambolo)

Betsara; canoe guide on the Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Yellow scorpion (Manambolo)

sakalava tombs on Manambolo (Manambolo)

manambolo sakalava hut (Manambolo)

Waterfall on Oly creek (Manambolo)

Rice farming family of the Manambolo (Manambolo)

Malagasy Kingfisher (Manambolo)

Limestone pool on Oly creek (Manambolo)

Madagascar bee-eaters (Merops superciliosus) (Manambolo)

Limestone channels of Oly canyon (Manambolo)

Canyon wall formations (Manambolo)

Betsara canoe guide (Manambolo)

Clear pool on Oly creek (Manambolo)

pied crow in flight (Manambolo)

Madagascar lace plant (Manambolo)

Sakalava father and son on beach of Manambolo (Manambolo)

Tsianaloka tools; short-handled shovel (Manambolo)

Madagascar lace plant flower (Manambolo)

madagascar ducks river (Manambolo)

Oplurus cuvieri (Collared iguanid) (Manambolo)

Manambolo River canyon (Manambolo)

Manambolo river trip team (Manambolo)

Manambolo River canyon (Manambolo)

Boys in pirogue at a distance with clay laterite banks in background (Manambolo)

Rice farming family on the banks of the Manambolo (Manambolo)

Children in Tsianaloka village (Manambolo)

sakalava family in boat along cliffs of manambolo (Manambolo)

Oly canyon stream flowing through limestone channels (Manambolo)

Cicada (Manambolo)

Oplurus cuvieri collared iguanid lizard (Manambolo)

Guide Betsara walking up Oly Canyon stream (Manambolo)

Pool below Oly Falls (Manambolo)

Tsianaloka village children on banks Manambolo (Manambolo)

manambolo waterfall (Manambolo)

Guides Benja and Max in canoe (Manambolo)

Sakalava rice farming family (Manambolo)

Scorpion (Manambolo)

Oly creek pool (Manambolo)

Black kite in flight (Manambolo)

cicada in sand (Manambolo)

Scorpion (Manambolo)

Green grasshopper (Manambolo)

Betsara; canoeman on the Manambolo River (Manambolo)

white heron in flight (Manambolo)

Tavy fire (Manambolo)

Children riverside of Manambolo (Manambolo)

Benja in canoe (Manambolo)

manambolo river (Manambolo)

blue butterflies (Manambolo)

dragonfly (Manambolo)

Manambolo River canyon (Manambolo)

Sunset at Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Red Bugs (immature nymph, which lacks full wings) (Manambolo)

Teal and black butterflies (Manambolo)

oly canyon (Manambolo)

Natural habitat for Aponogeton madagascariensis (Manambolo)

Oly canyon palms (Manambolo)

Oly creek pool (Manambolo)

Oplurus cuvieri iguanid (Manambolo)

Insects around candle (Manambolo)

oly canyon (Manambolo)

nesting parrot (Manambolo)

Striated riverbanks (Manambolo)

blue butterflies (Manambolo)

pied crows (Manambolo)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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