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Photos of highlights in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Vezo kids dancing atop a sand dune

Mossy stick insect

White flower

Photographer getting a close-up photo of a brush fire in Madagascar

Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur hanging in a tree


Yellow flower [Apocynaceae (a bit like Mandevilla) or Acanthaceae (bit like Thunbergia)]


Furcifer oustaleti chameleon (juvenile-bright green)

Montagne d'Ambre forest canopy

Pachypodium geayi (local name: Vontaka)

Isalo sunset

White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus)

Yellow flowers emerging from charred earth

Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Female crowned lemur feeding on a mango rind

Sifakas in a dry forest in southern Madagascar

Raspberry dragonfly

Verreaux's Sifaka dancing

Ring-tailed lemur with baby

Coquerel's Sifaka eating leaves

Kids in village outside of Tulear


Flooded rice fields at sunset

White and pink ground orchids (Gastrorchis pulchra var. perrieri)

Rock formations near Isalo along the RN7

Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) in a territorial chase

Sand dunes near Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Back-striped Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur dorsalis)

Camping in the Antanifotsy Valley

Nephila madagascariensis orb spider

Brick houses near a granite outcropping

Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis)

Giant Milkweek Locust

Flooded terraced rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Lined Day Gecko (Phelsuma lineata)

Red flowers on a cactus

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Girl with painted face in Ankarana

Green-blue swallow-tail butterfly


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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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