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Photos of ranomafana in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Namorona River Waterfalls (Ranomafana N.P.)

Cyclone flowers

Deforestation near Ranomafana

Stick insect

Crematogaster ant trail going up the trunk of a canopy tree

Golden bamboo lemur

Pink and orange mite resembling a spider spider

Stunning male Calumma crypticum chameleon

Golden Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur aureus)

Madagascar ground boa (Boa madagascariensis)

Sleeping female O'Shaughnessy's Chameleon (Calumma oshaughnessyi)

Mossy stick insects

Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]

Mantidactylus pulcher

Uroplatus phantasticus gecko (Ranomafana N.P.)

Sleeping Calumma crypticum

Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis)

Mist Rising from the rainforest of Ranomafana National Park (Ranomafana N.P.)

Red and orange flowers

Ranomafana river (Ranomafana N.P.)

Betsileo memorial stones Ranomafana National Park (Ranomafana N.P.)

Furcifer lateralis (juvenile)

Female Red-tailed Vanga (Calicalicus madagascariensis) holding a stick insect

Lutinus Beetle

Microcebus rufus (Brown mouse lemur) (Ranomafana N.P.)

Mantidactylus pulcher frog

Grey Bamboo Lemur (Ranomafana N.P.)

Furcifer balteatus chameleon

Deforestation near Ranomafana

White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus)

Mantella madagascariensis (Painted Mantella)

Madagascar Fire Millipede (Aphistogoniulus sp)

Metallic Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Land Snail (Ranomafana N.P.)

Red Forest Rat (Nesomys rufus) (Ranomafana N.P.)

Microcebus rufus (Brown mouse lemur) (Ranomafana N.P.)

Orchid near Ranomafana (Ranomafana N.P.)

Red flowers on a vine

Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Black and yellow dragonfly

Heart-shaped lichen

Striped Civet (Fossa fossana) (Ranomafana N.P.)

Orange, yellow, and black butterfly


Leaf Insect (Ranomafana N.P.)

Painted Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis); Ranomafana

Stick insects mating

Maroon and white orchid: Maxillaria tenuifolia (native to Mexico and Central America, not Madagascar)

Women's weaving cooperative in Ranomafana

Deforestation near Ranomafana

Pink and orange spider

Greater Bamboo Lemur (Prolemur simus), one of the world's rarest lemurs, eating bamboo

White Spotted Reed Frog (Heterixalus alboguttatus)

Female Rain forest Chameleon (Furcifer balteatus) preparing her tongue to grab an insect

Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis)

Female Calumma crypticum chameleon

Purple flowers

Arachnis flosaeris orchid (native to Indonesia, not Madagascar) preparing tounfold

Women's weaving cooperative in Ranomafana

Neon pink leafhopper

Female Furcifer balteatus preparing to grab an insect

Stick insects mating

Madagascar ground boa (Boa madagascariensis)

Milne-Edwards' Sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi) with a radio collar

Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]

Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis)

Namorona River in Ranomafana

Madagascar Pygmy-kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis)

Milne-Edwards' Sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi)

Golden Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur aureus) eating bamboo

Female Velvet Asity (Philepitta castanea) flying out of her nest


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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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