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Photos of spiny forest in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Spiny forest along RN7 near Tulear

Spiny forest near Tulear

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Alluaudia spiny plant (Berenty)

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Spiny forest vegetation

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Paederia grevei seed pod

Spiny plant (Berenty)

30-year-old Grandidier's Baobab (Adansonia grandidieri)

Dwarf Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei v ramosum) - local name: Vontake

Spiny in southern Madagascar (Berenty)

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Euphorbia plagiantha

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Aerial view of spiny forest in Southern Madagascar

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Alluaudia montagnacii

Euphorbia oncoclada (local name: Betondro)

Moringa drouhardii (local name:Maroserana)

Alluaudia spiny plant (Berenty)

Spiny forest vegetation

Moringa drouhardii

Fony Baobab (Adansonia rubrostipa)

Spiny forest along RN7 near Tulear

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Jatropha mahafalensis

Spiny forest vegetation

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Dwarf Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei v ramosum) - local name: Vontake

Spiny forest vegetation

Aerial view of spiny forest destruction near Amboasary

Green-capped Coua (Coua olivaceiceps)

Euphorbia cedrorum

Spiny forest and sisal

Aloe viguieri (Liliaceae)

Spiny forest and sisal

Spiny forest and sisal

Mongy plant (Kalanchoe beharensis)

Spiny forest plants (Berenty)

Spiny forest vegetation

Aloe suzannae

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Spiny plant in Kirindy (Kirindy)

Euphorbia tulearensis

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Alluaudia comosa (Somondratsaky = local name)

Aerial view of mountains, spiny forest, and a village outside Fourt Dauphin

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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