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Photos of tsaranoro valley in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Girl looking out a window of a hut in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Girl looking out a window of a hut in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Tsaranoro Mountain

Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis)

Bernier's Striped Snake (Dromicodryas bernieri)

Children in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Grass and rice in the Tsaranoro Mountain

Purple flower

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae family); this insect has 4 eyes: two on each side of their head, one for above water and one for below.

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Crossing the Tsaranoro Valley

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Girl looking out a window of a hut in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Mountain, 800m of granite

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Children in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Tsaranoro Mountain

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Ptychadena mascareniensis

Tsaranoro Mountain, 2625-foot face of granite

Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis)

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Mountain, an 800m granite rock face

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Emerald rice fields

Tsaranoro Mountain

Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis)

Boys in a Tsaranoro Valley village


Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis)


Ptychadena mascareniensis

Bernier's Striped Snake (Dromicodryas bernieri)

Beige dragonfly

Gaudy locust

Crossing the Tsaranoro Valley

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village


Tsaranoro Mountain, 2625-foot face of granite

Children in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Zebu in a creek

Bara zebu herder

Water beetles resembling fish (whirligig beetles)

Yellow flowers

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Boy in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Emerald rice fields

Ricefields of Tsaranoro Valley and Dondy peak

Water beetles resembling fish (whirligig beetles)

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Bara cattle herders

Dondy peak

Palm trees at the ridge summit prior to going into the Antanifotsy Valley

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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