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Boophis (?) frog at Andasibe

Boophis frog, Masoala National Park

Boophis tree frog

Boophis frog

Mantella betsileo frog

Mantella aurantiaca frog

Mantella betsileo frog

Mantella laevigata frog

Green Climbing Mantella (Mantella laevigata)

Mantella laevigata

Mantidactylus curtus

Frog in Isalo

Gray frog in Isalo

Green striped frog

Plethodontohyla inguinalis frog

Tomato frog

Frog in rainforest of Masoala NP

Frog of the Masoala peninsula

Frog in leaf litter of Masoala NP

Uknown tree frog on Nosy Mangabe

Uknown ground frog on Nosy Mangabe

Uknown leaf frog on Nosy Mangabe

Boophis albilabris frog

Mantella madagascariensis (Painted Mantella)

Mantella madagascariensis frog in Ranomafana

Painted Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis), Ranomafana

Mantidactylus pulcher

Mantidactylus pulcher frog

Mantidactylus lugubris frog

Mantidactylus lugubris frog

Mantidactylus lugubris frog

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All images are the property of Rhett Butler, content copyright 2004-2006.
All rights reserved.