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Photos of isalo to tulear in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo


Man walking across a desolate savanna in Madagascar

Adansonia za Baobabs


Flock of storks in flight

Rock formations near Isalo along the RN7

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Adansonia za Baobabs

Adansonia za Baobabs

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Spiny forest vegetation (Euphorbia stenoclada)

Papaya trees in a village

Adansonia za Baobabs


Acacia blossoms

Adansonia za Baobabs

Flock of storks in flight

Adansonia za Baobabs

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Adansonia za Baobabs

Adansonia za Baobabs

Zebu cart

Brick-making near Tulear

Ankiliberengy village

Construction equipment in Madagascar

Brick-making near Tulear

Adansonia za Baobabs

Brick-making near Tulear

Spiny forest near Tulear

Brick-making near Tulear

Rum distillery in southwestern Madagascar

Flock of storks in flight

Zombitse-Vohibasia dry forest

Spiny forest near Tulear

Man walking across a barren wasteland

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Flat-top mesas in southwestern Madagascar

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Adansonia za Baobabs

Man transporting firewood in Madagascar

Brick-making near Tulear

Charcoal for sale on a roadside in Madagascar

Charcoal for sale on a roadside in Madagascar


Village along RN7

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Woman gathering sticks as firewood


Village along RN7

Man walking across a barren grassland

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Sapphire mining near Ilakaka

Border of Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park

Spiny forest along RN7 near Tulear

Adansonia za Baobabs

Adansonia za Baobabs

Women walking from the fields

RN7 village

RN7 village

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Baobabs along RN7

Pile of charcoal in Madagascar

Flock of storks in flight

Adansonia za Baobabs

Acacia pods

Adansonia za

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Man walking across a desolate wasteland

Tombs in western Madagascar

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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