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Photos of tulear in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Boa in the kitchen

Remains of a basket in a river estuary

Greenish crab

Green-capped Coua (Coua olivaceiceps)

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Alluaudia montagnacii

Vezo fishing pirogue

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Vezo kids helping their father rig a sail

Village outside of Tulear

Sunset over mangroves and a beach south of Tulear

Yellow flower

Vezo fisherman setting sail as his children say goodbye

Vezo kids dancing atop a sand dune

Baobabs in village outside of Tulear

Euphorbia oncoclada (local name: Betondro)

Spiny forest vegetation

Crested drongo

Spiny forest vegetation


Alluaudia procera

Spiny forest vegetation

Kid (goat)

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Aloe vaotsanda (Local name: Vahotsanda)

Vezo boy in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

3-eyed lizard (Chalarodon madagascarensis)

Vezo kids in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Euphorbia cedrorum

Alluaudia comosa

Jatropha mahafalensis

Namaqua Dove (Oena capensis)

Cyphostemma (Cyphostemma montagnacii) - Mangeboka (local name)

Radiated tortoises

Vezo kids in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Vezo kids playing

Vezo girl

Spiny forest species for a reforestation project

Moringa drouhardii

Vezo effigy

Boa in the kitchen

Euphorbia stenoclada

Trachylepis aureopunctata lizard

Aloe descoingsii

Mangroves in Madagascar

Vezo boy in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Delonix pumila

Vezo boy in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Spiny forest near Tulear

Pachypodium geayi (local name: Vontaka)

Vezo kids in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Boa in kitchen

Madagascar Turtle-dove (Streptopelia picturata)

Spiny forest vegetation

Moringa drouhardii (local name:Maroserana)

Moringa drouhardii

Spiny forest species for a reforestation project

Spiny forest species for a reforestation project

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Vezo family near mangroves

Vezo child herding geese

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Charcoal-making village

Alluaudia montagnacii

Footprints on a sand dune

Sand dunes near Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Greenish crab

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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