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Photos of tulear in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Fony Baobab (Adansonia rubrostipa)

Trachylepis aureopunctata lizard


Jatropha mahafalensis

Sandspit along the Mozambique Channel in Madagascar

Paroedura bastardi gecko

Spiny forest vegetation

Sakalava Weavers (Ploceus sakalava) nesting

Vezo child

Sand dunes near Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Vezo fishermen

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Goat kid

Tree at sunset

Botanical garden chart

3-eyed lizard (Chalarodon madagascarensis)

Dwarf Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei v ramosum) - local name: Vontake

Spiny forest vegetation

Vezo kids helping their father rig a sail

Vezo kids playing

Green-capped Coua (Coua olivaceiceps)

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Paroedura bastardi gecko

Moringa drouhardii trees in village outside of Tulear

Walking towards Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Sakalava Weavers (Ploceus sakalava) nesting

Euphorbia cedrorum

Goat kid

Baobabs in village outside of Tulear

Vezo fishing pirogues


Aloe viguieri (Liliaceae)

Vezo child walking near mangroves

Mongy plant (Kalanchoe beharensis)

Pirogues on a sand spit

Sunset on a beach south of Tulear

Vezo kids in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Sakalava Weaver (Ploceus sakalava)

Spiny forest vegetation

Vezo kids playing

Vezo child

Aloe suzannae

Vezo kids helping their father rig a sail

Village kids

Arovana (Ankorohoke), a Vezo fishing village

Fishing pirogues off Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Vezo boys in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Remains of a basket in a river estuary

Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Walking towards Arovana (Ankorohoke) across a barren landscape

Vezo child walking near mangroves

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Baobabs in village outside of Tulear

Vezo fishing canoes

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Euphorbia tulearensis

Malagasy carrying goods to market on a beach near Tulear

Alluaudia comosa (Somondratsaky = local name)

Vezo boy in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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