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Photos of villages in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Vezo child walking near mangroves

Nosy Komba

Baobabs with zebu cart (Morondava)

Rice cultivation in Madagascar

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Small village near Mantadia; slash-and-burn (tavy) agriculture

Roadside charcoal (Tulear)

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Ilakaka; saphire boomtown (Isalo)

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Small village near Mantadia; slash-and-burn (tavy) agriculture

Vezo kids playing

Man transporting firewood in Madagascar

church (Tana)

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley


Tulear fruit market (Tulear)

Roadside hut (Isalo)

Rosewood logs on the beach at Maroantsetra

Brick house with tomb behind it

Baobabs in village outside of Tulear

Zebu cart in Morondava (Morondava)


Vezo boy with guitar in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Terraced rice paddies Madagascar's Central Highlands

Village in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Rice fields near Morondava (Morondava)


Zebu cart

Ft Dauphin plantation (Berenty-Fort Dauphin)

Malagasy around a campfire

Malagasy girls with painted faces


Village near Fianarantsoa

Riverside hts in Maroantsetra

Women in the Antanifotsy Valley

Plowing the rice fields

Vezo child herding geese

Nosy Komba

Bara around a camp fire

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Fort Dauphin market (Berenty-Fort Dauphin)

Vezo fishing pirogues

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village


Charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village in Madagascar


Village along RN7

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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