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Photos of beetles in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Black Tortoise beetle with yellow polkadots

Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Red beetle

Polybothris jewel beetle

Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]

Red beetle

Yellow and orange beetle (Coptemia celata)


Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Orange and blue beetle

Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle

Black Tortoise beetle with yellow polkadots

Green and brown Lycidae weevil ( Coleoptera)

Round metallic beetle

Red Bugs (immature nymph, which lacks full wings) (Manambolo)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle

Block beetle

Juvenile insect, not the giraffe-neck weevil

Black and white marbled weevil (Curculionidae family)

Round metallic beetle

Red and orange Galerucinae Leaf Beetle


Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

lutinus beetle (Andasibe)


Red-orange beetle

Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Yellow-speckled Cleonine weevil (genus Lixus - Curculionidae family)

Yellow and blue weevil

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Dung beetle in Madagascar

Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Giraffe-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Long-necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Juvenile Coreidae (Heteroptera) (Ft. Dauphin) [not a weevil]



Giraffe-necked weevils (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)


Click beetle, family elateridae

Silver beetle with a red-orange head

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Dung beetle (Isalo)

Polybothris jewel beetle

Red beetle with black spots

Polybothris jewel beetle

Polybothris Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Juvenile insect, not the giraffe-neck weevil

Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris)

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris)

Spotted Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae, genus Polybothris)

Green beetle with an orange head

Yellow and blue weevil

Black Tortoise beetle with yellow polkadots

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)

Metallic Jewel beetle (family Buprestidae)

Black and white marbled weevil (Curculionidae family)

Metallic orange beetle


Scarab, family Scarabaeidae

Roach and beetle

Click beetle, family elateridae

Dung beetle in Madagascar

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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