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Photos of people in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Ambodiforaha; Madagascar (Masoala NP)

manambolo huts (Manambolo)

Vezo child

Kids in village outside of Tulear

Crossing the Tsaranoro Valley

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Women working in a terraced rice field

Armand; nature guide for the Masoala Peninsula (Masoala NP)

Manambolo river at Bekopaka (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Bara father and daughter near Isalo (Isalo)

Sakalava hut on sandbar along Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Interior of a Zafimaniry hut in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Tsianaloka village (Manambolo)

Rhett looking at Aponogeton (Manambolo)

Girl in the Antanifotsy Valley

Fort Dauphin (Taolagnaro) (Berenty)

Girl looking out a window of a hut in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Hut door in Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Malagasy villagers walking in a rice paddy

Playing soccer in Tana

Kids in Maroantsetra

Zafimaniry elder in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Nosy Mangabe coffins (Nosy Mangabe)

Tsianaloka village hut (Manambolo)

Malagasy carrying goods to market on a beach near Tulear

Zafimaniry baby in Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Little Malagasy girl

Boy peeking through the window of a Zafimaniry hut in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Woman in village near Mantadia

Manambolo canyon team (Manambolo)

Woman carrying dried sisal fibers (Berenty)

Sakalave boys in pirogue on the Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Vezo fishing canoes

max (Manambolo)

Zaka Guide (Andasibe)

Andranobory sisal workers (Berenty)

Vezo kids helping their father rig a sail

Sakalava hut on sandbar along Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Sakalava boy near Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Sakalava boys with guitar in pirogue (Manambolo)

Zebu cattle plowing rice paddies near Antoetra (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Zafimaniry memorial tombs (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Children in Tsianaloka (Manambolo)

Kids in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Carnivore snare for hunting in the Masoala Peninsula (Masoala NP)

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Tsianaloka village children (Manambolo)

Guides Benja and Max in canoe on Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Zebu cattle on Malagasy road (RN7)

Zaka Guide (Andasibe)

Manambolo pirogues (Manambolo)

Children in a village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Toy animals made of wood or clay in Tsianaloka village (Manambolo)

Tree felled (illegal logging) in Masoala National Park; Madagascar (Masoala NP)

Kids in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Children using zebu cattle to plow rice paddies in highlands of Madagascar (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Vezo kids in Arovana (Ankorohoke)

sakalava family in boat (Manambolo)

Sakalava hut on sandbar along Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Sakalava family in canoe on Manambolo (Manambolo)

rhett tsingy bridge (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Children near Isalo (Isalo)

Red brick houses in the highlands of Madagascar (RN7)

Girl in a Tsaranoro Valley village

Sakalava boy along Manambolo River (Manambolo)

Women walking on beach of Morondava (Morondava)

Ifasina village; aerial view (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Fish caught on the beach in Maroantsetra

Children in Maroantsetra

Bekopaka village; canoe boy (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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