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Photos of Madagascar from Julie Larsen Maher: Mammals

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur

Red-fronted brown lemur

White-footed sportive lemur

Ring-tailed lemurs

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemurs keeping warm

Ring-tailed lemurs keeping warm

Ring-tailed lemurs keeping warm

Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur

Verreaux's sifaka

Verreaux's sifaka

Verreaux's sifaka

Verreaux's sifaka

Verreaux's sifaka

Verreaux's sifaka

Ring-tailed lemurs sunning

White-footed sportive lemur

Red-fronted brown lemur

Red-fronted brown lemur running

Red-fronted brown lemur running

Ring-tailed lemur feeding

Ring-tailed lemur feeding

Ring-tailed lemur feeding

Male white-fronted brown lemur

Female white-fronted brown lemur

Pair of white-fronted brown lemur

Pair of Eulemur fulvus albifrons

Female Eulemur fulvus albifrons

Nuts chewed by Aye-aye

Nuts chewed by Aye-aye

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Aerial view of humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Humpback whales in the Bay of Antongil

Whale-watching in the Bay of Antongil

Whalewatching in the Bay of Antongil

Red-ruffed lemur

Red-ruffed lemur

Flying fox

Flying fox

Flying fox

Flying fox

Flying fox

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Indri lemur

Mouse lemur in captivity

Mouse lemur in captivity

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