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Photos of ifasina in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Zafimaniry children in Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Jeweled Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis) (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice paddies near Antananarivo; Madagascar (RN7)

Wood woven door in Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice fields in the highlands along RN7 in central Madagascar outside of Antananarivo (RN7)

Rice paddies near Antananarivo (RN7)

Deforestation - Tavy (RN7)

Zafimaniry children in Ifasina near memorial tombs (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice paddies in central Madagascar (RN7)

Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Tavy deforestation (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Furcifer campani near Ifasina

Interior of a Zafimaniry hut in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Hut door in Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice paddies along RN7 in Madagascar (RN7)

Zafimaniry elder in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Zafimaniry baby in Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Boy peeking through the window of a Zafimaniry hut in the village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Zebu cattle plowing rice paddies near Antoetra (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Furcifer campani chameleon near Ifasina

Zafimaniry memorial tombs (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Zebu cattle on Malagasy road (RN7)

Children using zebu cattle to plow rice paddies in highlands of Madagascar (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Red brick houses near Tana; Madagascar (RN7)

Ranomafana NP Rainforest (Ranomafana N.P.)

Ifasina village; aerial view (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice paddies in Madagascar (RN7)

Car crossing rice paddy -- poor roads in Madagascar (Ambositra area)

Red brick houses along RN7 (RN7)

Carved windows in Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Rice paddies in the highlands of Madagascar (RN7)

Rice paddies near Tana (RN7)

Ifasina guide (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Slash-and-burn deforestation (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Forest clearing for Tavy (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Wood-carved window panels in Zafimaniry village of Ifasina (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Tavy deforestation; bare hillsides (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Tavy deforestation (Ifasina / Antoetra)

Red brick houses in the highlands of Madagascar (RN7)

Terraced rice paddies in the highlands of Madagascar (RN7)

Malagasy rice paddies (RN7)

Central highland rice paddies in Madagascar (RN7)

Malagasy town along RN7 (RN7)

Deforestation in Madagascar (RN7)

Rice paddies in the highlands (RN7)

Malagasy working in the rice fields of central Madagascar (RN7)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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