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Photos of isalo in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Verreaux's sifaka in Isalo

Isalo sunset

Oustalet's chameleon walking across sand near Isalo

Rice paddies near Canyon des Makis and Canyon des Rats

Rice paddies near Canyon des Makis and Canyon des Rats

Furcifer oustaleti chameleon (juvenile-bright green)

Furcifer oustaleti chameleon (light brown)

Family of ring-tail lemurs (including babies)

Rosy Periwinkle

Isalo sunset

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) standing on its hind legs

Mascarene Ridged Frog (Ptychadena mascareniensis)

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)

Canyon des singes

Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis) at sunset

Boophis goudoti frog in Isalo (Isalo)

Ranohira King's pool

Green-blue swallow-tail butterfly

Verreaux's sifaka in Isalo

Flatid leaf bugs (Phromnia rosea)

Oustalet's chameleon in a Plumeria tree

Raspberry dragonfly

Adult Flatid leaf bugs (Phromnia rosea)

Blue dragonfly

Madagascar giant chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti)

Oustalet's chameleon walking across sand near Isalo

Phromnia rosea (fuschia colored insects) (Isalo)

King's pool in Canyon des Makis

Piscine Naturelle (Isalo)

Isalo National Park landscape (Isalo)

Shantytowns on road to Isalo (Isalo)

Madagascar Kestrel (Falco newtoni) in flight (Isalo)

Rock formation in Isalo (Isalo)

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Straw-like grasshopper

Distant rain at sunset in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

School children near Isalo (Isalo)

Aerial view of deforestation and erosion in southern Madagascar (Isalo)

Fat black scorpion (Isalo)

Isalo sunset

Furcifer oustaleti chameleon (juvenile-bright green)

isalo-dayhike (Isalo)

Zonosaurus lizard

Malagasy women working in rice fields near Isalo

Sunrise over Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Isalo National Park landscape (Isalo)

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Approaching storm at sunset in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Guide Benja atop cliff in Isalo at sunrise (Isalo)

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Approaching rain at sunset in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Bright green Furcifer oustaleti chameleon (Isalo)

Ring-tailed lemur in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Liopholidopsis thieli or Dromicodryas bernieri

Isalo National Park landscape (Isalo)

Family of ring-tail lemurs (including babies)

Medemia palms on savanna near Isalo (Isalo)

Distant rain at sunset in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Isalo National Park landscape (Isalo)

Ringtailed lemurs in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Rosy Periwinkle

Canyon des rats in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Mother ring-tailed lemur with baby in Isalo N.P. (Isalo)

Ringtailed lemur in Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Isalo (Isalo)

Isalo stream with palms and sandy substrate (Isalo)

Rice paddies near Isalo

Green Furcifer oustaleti chameleon near Isalo (Isalo)

Scorpion in Isalo (Isalo)

Bara father and daughter near Isalo (Isalo)

Isalo National Park at sunrise (Isalo)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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