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Photos of masoala in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Rainforest at Tampolo on the Masoala Peninsula

Sunset in Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

White sand beach at Tampolo on the Masoala Peninsula

Preparation of cloves in Ambodiforaha village; Madagascar (Masoala NP)

Masoala sunset (Masoala NP)

Paradise in Madagascar

Blue Coua (Coua caerulea)

Tampolo Marine Park

Tampolo rainforest

Translucent rainforest slug (Masoala NP)

Thorn spider (gasteracanthinae sub-family, probably Madacantha nossibeana) (Masoala NP)

Red-ruffed lemurs

Tampolo Marine Park

Masoala forest (Masoala NP)

Fires on the Masoala peninsula (Masoala NP)

Beach along Antongil Bay (Masoala NP)

Peyrieras' Pygmy Chameleon (Brookesia peyrierasi)

Tampolo beach

Flowering plant in Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

Colorful wing of the Malagasy sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus)

Masoala rainforest

Scott's Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur scottorum)



Ambodiforaha village near Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

Plethodontohyla notosticta frog

Langaha madagascariensis (female) snake

Madagascar spider

Orb spider

Blue planthopper


Beaches off Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

Avahi laniger lemurs (Masoala NP)

Boat near Nosy Mangabe



White sand beach on Madagascar's Masoala Peninsula

Creek on the Masoala Peninsula

Uroplatus fimbriatus; close head shot from above (Masoala NP)

Rhett in Masoala rainforest (Masoala NP)

Masoala lodge


Masoala reefs (Masoala NP)

Lined Day Gecko (Phelsuma lineata)


Pardalis chameleon

Tampolo Marine Park

Brookesia peyrierasi chameleon in palm (Masoala NP)

Traditional sail boat near Maronantsetra

Blue crab in Madagascar

Nosy Mangabe

Gasteracanthinae spider-maybe Madacantha nossibeana (Masoala NP)

White sand beach at Tampolo on the Masoala Peninsula

Neon-colored wing of the Malagasy sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus)

Rainforest on the Masoala Peninsula as seen from the Bay of Antongil

Fires near Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

Varecia variegata rubra lemur in Masoala NP (Masoala NP)

Pair of Woolley lemurs (Avahi laniger) (Masoala NP)

The Masoala peninsula (Masoala NP)

Scott's Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur scottorum)

Masoala rain forest

Spittle bug


Varecia variegata rubra lemur (Masoala NP)

Black pill millipede

Bay of Antongil coral reefs (Masoala NP)

Mantidactylus species


Brookesia superciliaris (Masoala NP)

Insect resembling a partially chewed leaf (Masoala NP)

Calumma nasuta (sleeping on a leaf in the Masoala rainforest)

Boulders on a beach in Tampolo Marine Park on the Masoala Peninsula

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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