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Photos of masoala in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Speckled day gecko (Phelsuma guttata)

Varecia variegata rubra (Red ruffed lemur) (Masoala NP)

Parson's chameleon

Langaha madagascariensis (female) snake

Varecia variegata rubra lemur peeking around tree trunk (Masoala NP)

Jumping spider

Masoala Peninsula view from Antongil Bay (Masoala NP)

Plethodontohyla inguinalis frog

Peyrieras' Pygmy Chameleon


Village on the Masoala Peninsula

Masoala rainforest creek


Greater dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus major)

Green shield bug

Mangrove forest and pandanus swamp on Madagascar's Masoala Peninsula

Parson's chameleon

White sand beach at Tampolo on the Masoala Peninsula

Madagascar kingfisher

Mantella betsileo frog (Masoala NP)

White-fronted brown lemur (Masoala NP)


Blue-eyed fly

Parson's chameleon

Red millipede on log

Eastern Woolly Lemur (Avahi laniger) (Masoala NP)

Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back

Male Madagascar paradise flycatcher


Carnivore snare for hunting in the Masoala Peninsula (Masoala NP)

Tampolo coral reefs (Masoala NP)

Greater dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus major)


Uroplatus fimbriatus - full body (Masoala NP)




White sand beach at Tampolo on the Masoala Peninsula

Bay of Antongil sunset (Masoala NP)

Masoala beach

Blue planthopper

Mantidactylus asper frog in rainforest of Masoala NP

Masoala rainforest

Tree felled (illegal logging) in Masoala National Park; Madagascar (Masoala NP)

Green stick insect

Green mantid

Mangrove wetland on Madagascar's Masoala Peninsula

Boulders on a beach in Tampolo Marine Park on the Masoala Peninsula

Masoala rainforest




Tree ferns and bromeliads of the Masoala rainforest (Masoala NP)


Red millipede

Tampolo Marine Park

Brookesia peyrierasi in palm of hand (Masoala NP)

Short-legged Ground Roller (Brachypteracias leptosomus)

Tampolo beach

Thorn spider (Acrosomoides acrosomoides) (Masoala NP)

Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back

White-fronted brown lemur (Eulemur albifrons)



Green pill millipede rolled in palm of hand

Red millipede compared with size of hand

Tampolo rainforest trail


Boulders on a beach in Tampolo Marine Park on the Masoala Peninsula

Madagascar kingfisher (Alcedo vintsioides)

Giant orb spider in Madagascar

White-headed brown lemur

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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