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Photos of flowers in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Tree with red buds and yellow flowers growing in the tsingy of northwestern Madagascar

Cyclone flowers

Flowering plant in Masoala NP (Masoala NP)


Yellow flowers

Red flowers

Red and orange flowers

White flowers emerging from a burned grassland in Madagascar

Yellow flowering tree in the tsingy near Lac Vert

Red flower growing between tsingy near Lac Vert

Red flowers on a vine

Purple and white flower of the Cynorkis ridleyi orchid

Pink cyclone flower

Tree with pink flowers

Green spider on a white flower

Maroon and white orchid: Maxillaria tenuifolia (native to Mexico and Central America, not Madagascar)

White flower

Purple Impatiens flower

Vanilla orchid

Purple flowers

Arachnis flosaeris orchid (native to Indonesia, not Madagascar) preparing tounfold

Angraecum orchids


White flower

Trees growing between tsingy near Lac Vert

Euphorbia ankarensis


Beetle on an Angraecum orchid



Pink-red flower (possibly Bignoniaceae family)

Commelinaceae family

White flower

Red and yellow flowers among the tsingy

Christmas orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale)

5-petal flower

Yellow flowers

White flower

Purple flowers

Tree with red flowers

Purple flowers

Yelllow flower in Isalo (Isalo)

Yellow flowers

Pink orchid (Eulophiella elisabethae), endemic to Madagascar

Vanilla orchid




Succulent plants growing in the harsh tsingy landscape

Purple flower

Flowering trees in Ankarana


Golden flower


Giant hissing cockroach pollinating a purple flower

Flowering shrub in the middle of a creek in Madagascar

White flower

Yellow flowers from a palm

Orchids (Aerangis sp.)

Helichrysum flowers

Cyclone flowers

Rosy periwinkle flower (Isalo)

Tree with pink flowers

Palm flowers

White flowers emerging from a burned grassland in Madagascar

Lavendar flowers

Chain of orchids (Aerangis sp.)

Light green flowers

White flower

Pink cyclone flower

White flower

Green spider on a white flower

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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