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Photos of insects in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]


Giant cockroach in Madagascar


Comet moth (Andasibe)


Raspberry dragnofly

Green caterpillar - Rhagastis lambertoni, Sphingidae family

Red-eyed fly in Madagascar

Blue planthopper

Orange moth

Green kaydid with red eyes

Black butterfly with turquoise spots

Blue-eyed fly

Madagascar moth with an orange mask-marking on its back

Mantid Yellow

Yellow dragonfly with maroon eyes and blue cheeks

Mossy stick insect

thorn spider (Kirindy)

Spittle bug

Green mantis

Green pill millipede on tree trunk

Teal and black butterflies

Stick insect in Masoala NP

Masoala peninsula beetle

Mossy stick insect

Orange and white thorn spider (Nosy Mangabe)

Neon pink leafhopper



Giant moth


Blue and yellow leafhopper

Green grasshopper

Shield bug

Mating beetles

Giraffe necked Weevil

Stunningly colorful grasshopper

Reduviidae (a true bug)

Flatid leaf bug nymph

Malagasy flatid bug (Phromnia rosea) in its nymph stage


Dung beetles (Isalo)

Orange and blue planthopper

Orange and black Reduviidae juvenile bug, with the abdomen sticking up to look like a fierce mantis

Mantid purple antenna

Millipede; Madagascar

Green praying mantis

Black butterfly with turquoise spots

Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa)


Green stick insect

Dark gray moth with yellow markings and blue-green spots

Leaf-mimicking treehopper

Yellow and blue butterfly on ground

Graphium cyrnum, a common buterfly in Masoala/ Nosy Mangabe

Yellow and blue butterfly

Flatid leaf-bugs having just transitioned from their nymph stage


Green shield bug

Orange and black Reduviidae juvenile bug, with the abdomen sticking up to look like a fierce mantis

Stick insects mating



Multi-colored bug

Blue-eyed fly

Dry grass-colored mantis (possibly Idolomorpha madagascariensis [Empusidae])

Red millipede on log

Brilliant green beetle [Tortoise beetle of the Chrysomelidae family]

Orange and black leafhopper

Madagascar moth with an orange marking on its back

Green caterpillar

Green walking stick insect

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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