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Photos of scenery in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]


Chameleons of Madagascar - 12-month calendar

Herps of Madagascar - 12-month calendar

Lemurs of Madagascar - 12-month calendar

Madagascar - 18-month calendar

Madagascar Calendar - 12-month calendar

Madagascar Calendar II - 12 months by mongabay

Wildlife of Madagascar - 12-month calendar

Budget Calendars

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Aerial view of deforestation in Madagasar

Illicit banana plantation in a forest reserve

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Canyon des rats in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Mitsinjo reforestation nursery

Deforestation near Tulear (Tulear)

Mountain peak near Andringitra

Window in an adobe home in Madagascar

Aerial view of a beach near Ft. Dauphin

Sunrise over Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Ranohira village near the Isalo massif

Andringitra landscape

Sunrise in Maroantsetra; rosewood traders active

model house-tana (Tana)

Girl working rice field (Tsingy de Bemaraha)

Aerial view of dry forest (Fort Dauphin - Tana Flight)

Canyon of Cascade des Nymphes (Isalo)


Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Zebu cart between Andasibe and Tana (RN2)

Canyon des singes

Beach palms at sunrise

Mining near Ft. Dauphin

Moringa drouhardii

Isalo stream (Isalo)

Fire in Madagascar

Sherritt's nickle pipeline route

Andringitra vegetation

Akavandra Manambolo basin (Ankavandra)

Boys in a pirogue

Bay of Antongil beach

Relais de la Reine, an upscale hotel in Isalo

Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Small village near Mantadia; slash-and-burn (tavy) agriculture

Small Andringitra waterfall

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Tavy fire (Manambolo)

Playing football in Tana

Rock face in the Antanifotsy Valley

Aerial view of deforestation in western Madagascar (Tulear)

Malagasy rice paddies (RN7)

Small village near Mantadia; slash-and-burn (tavy) agriculture

Aerial view of dry forest (Fort Dauphin - Tana Flight)

Women's weaving cooperative in Ranomafana

Flat-top mesas in southwestern Madagascar

Approaching storm at sunset in Isalo (Isalo)

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Village and rice fields in Madagascar's Central Plateau

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Terraced rice fields near Fianarantsoa

Sunrise over Isalo National Park (Isalo)

Fisherman on the By on Antongil at dawn

Rice fields of Malagasy highlands (RN7)

Montane rainforest in Madagascar

Montagne d'Ambre forest

Cassava planted in a forest clearing in Madagascar

Andringitra creek

Euphorbia stenoclada

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Berenty gallery forest (Berenty)

Bay in southern Madagascar (Ft. Dauphin)

Countryside along road from Fianarantsoa (RN7)

Fire in Madagascar

Pic Boby (Pic d'Imarivolanitra)

Horombe Plateau, with Isalo massif in the distance

Rice field near Tana (aerial view)

Rock formation Bonnet de L'Evêque seen in the distance

Adansonia za Baobabs

Canyon des makis

Village on the Horombe Plateau

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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