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Photos of scenery in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Trees growing between tsingy near Lac Vert

Moringa drouhardii

Andringitra sunset

Ferns illuminated in the late afternoon sun

Gallery forest in southern Madagascar

Isalo sunset

Palms along a canal near Maroantsetra

Nosy Mangabe beach

Large Malagasy home and rice fields

Namorona River in Ranomafana

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Andringitra landscape

Nosy Mangabe coastline

Rice and palms in Madagascar

Rice field and zebu cattle

Dwarf Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei v ramosum) - local name: Vontake

Dry terraced rice paddies

Aerial view of an Antandroy village

Grooved granite atop Andringitra's Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy

Rock formations near Isalo along the RN7

Fishing in the Bay of Antongil

Antanifotsy Valley

Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Rice fields in Tana

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Madagascar rainforest

Abandoned equiptment at a graphite mine near Mantandia

Terraced rice paddies Madagascar's Haus Plateaux

Photographer getting a close-up photo of a brush fire in Madagascar

Flooded terraced rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Elephant Ear Plants

View of grooved granite valleys from atop Pic Boby

Villagers fishing at in the early morning on a beach near Maroantsetra

Rice paddies near Canyon des Makis and Canyon des Rats

Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) and savanna near Isalo

Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis) at sunset

Church in the Tsaranoro Valley

Tsaranoro Valley

Vezo fishing pirogue

Sailboat versus speedboat in Madagascar

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Aerial view of gallery forest and a sisal plantation in Berenty

Bay of Antongil beach at dawn

Aerial view of spiny forest of Andohahela and sisal

Aerial view of rice fields outside of Fort Dauphin

Montagne d'Ambre forest canopy

Beach palms at sunrise

Overlook from the Le Domaine de Fontenay's private forest

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Ranohira King's pool

Vezo kids dancing atop a sand dune

Nosy Mangabe at sunrise

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Yellow flowers emerging from charred earth

Adansonia za Baobabs

Adansonia za Baobabs

Andringitra valley

Pachypodium geayi (local name: Vontaka)

Andringitra landscape

Fisherman on the Bay on Antongil at dawn

Antanifotsy Valley

Strangler fig

Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy shrouded in clouds

Tsaranoro Mountain

Trail in Montagne d'Ambre

Flooded terraced rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Elephant Ear Plants

Namorona River in Ranomafana

Yellow flowers emerging from charred earth

Morning activities on a beach near Maroantsetra with Nosy Mangabe in the background

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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