Photos of pic boby in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]
 White flower
 Rutted granite atop Andringitra's Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy
 View of grooved granite valleys from atop Pic Boby
 Grooved granite atop Andringitra's Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy
 Andringitra plant
 White flower
 Stunningly colorful grasshopper
 Andringitra plant
 White flower
 Boulder near Pic Boby
 White flower
 Andringitra plant
 Andringitra plant
 Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper
 Pic d'Imarivolanitra
 Grooved granite atop Andringitra's Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy
 View from atop Pic Boby
 View of grooved granite valleys from atop Pic Boby
 Andringitra plant
 Andringitra plant
 Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper
 Neon green, turquoise, purple, red, and orange grasshopper
 White flower
 Andringitra plant
 Narrow granite valleys atop Andringitra's Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy
 Pic Boby (Pic d'Imarivolanitra)
 Helichrysum flowers
 Lichens and mosses
 Pile of stones on Pic Boby
 Andringitra plant
 Andringitra plant
 White flower
 Andringitra plant
 Brilliantly colorful grasshopper
 Andringitra plant
 Green and black millipede
 Large rectangular boulder
 Red leaves
 Andringitra plant
 Rock that resembles mating sea turtles
 Andringitra plant
 White flower
 Andringitra plant
 Andringitra plant
 Red leaves
 Andringitra plant
 Pic Boby (Pic d'Imarivolanitra)
 Andringitra plant
 Large rectangular boulder
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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.
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