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Photos of flora in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Ferns emerging from charred earth

Ferns illuminated by the afternoon sun

Spiny forest vegetation

Baobabs in village outside of Tulear

Succulent plants growing amid the tsingy

Andringitra plant

Spiny forest vegetation

Yellow flowers emerging from charred earth

White flower

Rosy Periwinkle

Golden flower

Angraecum madagascariensis orchid

Red leaf

Andringitra plants

White Angrecum orchid (Jumellea sp.)

Flower in Ambodiforaha village (Masoala NP)

Alluaudia montagnacii

Alluaudia spiny plant (Berenty)

Alluaudia procera


Aponogeton madagascariensis bloom (Flora)

Euphorbia herman-schwartzii

Alluaudia spiny plant (Berenty)

Bird nest fern

Yellow flower

Succulent plants growing in the harsh conditions of the tsingy environment

White flower

Orange fungi

Red flowers

Red flower

White and pink ground orchids (Gastrorchis pulchra var. perrieri)

Orchid (Andasibe)

Spiny forest vegetation

Birdnest fern in the rainforest canopy

Aerangis sp. (similar to Aerangis articulata)


White flower

Didiereaceae southern Madagascar (Berenty)


Baobabs (Morondava)

Natural bonsai

Spiny forest vegetation

Floweering water lily (Kirindy)

Fire-resistant Bismarck Palms (Bismarckia nobilis) near Isalo

Alluaudia procera spiny plants (Berenty)

Spiny desert flora in southern Madagascar (Berenty)

Ferns and other vegetation in Andringitra NP

Andringitra plant

Red flowers (possibly Bignoniaceae family)


Aloe plant (Isalo)

Spiny forest vegetation

Spiny plants (Berenty)

Creek-side vegetation in Andringitra

Purple flower


Papaya leaves

White fungi

Elephant's foot plant (Isalo)

Red fungi

Kirindy pond with water lilies (Kirindy)

Baobabs on the shore of Antsiranana Bay

Yellow, maroon and white orchid (Bulbophyllum sp.)

red flowers (Kirindy)

Euphorbia plagiantha

White flower

Aponogeton madagascariensis (Madagascar lace plant) (Flora)

Spiny forest in southern Madagascar (Berenty)

Adansonia za Baobabs

Andringitra plants

Darwin's orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale)

Elephant's Foot Plant (Pachypodium rosulatum)

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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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