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Photos of andringitra in Madagascar [updated 2013-02-13]

Purple flower

Green mantis

Rock face of the Chaine de Montagne Ampiadrianombilahy

Ferns emerging from burned soil

Riambavy waterfall of Andringitra


Creek and burned grass in Andringitra

Camp site between Pic Boby and Mororano

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Crossing the Tsaranoro Valley

Andringitra landscape: boulders and bamboo

Village and rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Red leaves

Andringitra landscape: boulders and palms


White flower

Andringitra landscape: boulders and palms


Bara cattle herders

Ferns emerging from charred earth

Crossing the Tsaranoro Valley

Andringitra valley


Tsaranoro Mountain

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Village in the Tsaranoro Valley

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley


Zonosaurus ornatus


Rock outcropping in the Antanifotsy Valley

Pool atop a waterfall next to an Andringitra campsite

Andringitra creek

Pill millipede

Children in an Antanifotsy Valley village

Ferns illuminated in the late afternoon sun

Andringitra creek


Andringitra landscape

Grinding grain or cassava

Mating frogs


Palm trees at the ridge summit prior to going into the Antanifotsy Valley

Zebu cattle in the Antanifotsy Valley

Grass and rice in the Tsaranoro Mountain

Tsara Camp tents


Andringitra landscape

Andringitra plant

Ferns illuminated in the late afternoon sun


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Please note: photo captioning is still in progress. If you know the ID of any unidentified species, please let me know.

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